
Date added: 07/17/2024 Shipment status notice...

   Most of the time post offices move and scan parcels through timely, typically the same day or next morning. However, often enough that we have to make a notation about this on our shipment emails, parcels may just sit for two or three days. We never have and never would send a shipment notice before the parcel has been dropped off or picked up by USPS, and are aware that is a tactic occasionally used by some small companies. Once you receive a "your order has shipped" email from us (which are sent manually, never automated or sent when labels are printed), your order was in USPS' possession for hours already. Also, for some reason some of their time stamps are set in UTC, so it may appear we have printed the label after sending it, or at very odd hours. We do look through tracking statuses to try to ensure parcels are on the way, but if your domestic parcel appears to be unmoving for several days, please contact us. 

Date added: 05/12/2024 We never take days off, not even holidays. All orders are packed and shipped on schedule as always.

The company owner works in the studio every day of the year, no exceptions. Employees have very flexible schedules, but he is always there.