March 2025 price increases
March 24, 2025
In September 2024 we changed prices on some products. Some went up, a few went down: perfume samples increased by 15 cents, some Exquisite line shadows were reduced. It's always with great reluctance that this is done and seldom occurs. We have never increased prices on all products at a time, and many are currently barely above what they were priced at 10-15 years ago.
Sharply increasing prices, while sometimes necessary for a retail or manufacturing business because their own costs may skyrocket, ends up alienating many existing customers. We have always strived to retain affordable prices. Unfortunately, that sometimes has a side affect of appearing "too cheap" and being a quality reflection (which is silly. Small retailers can set prices at whatever they desire beyond the cost of supplies).
Still, we won't be consulting the Rules Of Acquisition for this and increases will not be large. On 3/28, probably in the afternoon, the following products will be increased in all sizes:
- Powders, excluding foundation (we had planned to change powder prices last autumn, but did not include them)
- Arcane Magic eyeshadows
- Perfumes
Before then, both Convergence Zone and Under the Moonrise will be restocked. We had to wait a while for certain ingredients for both, and then the finished perfumes sit for weeks before being ready to bottle.
If you have any questions, please email us.